Christ’s Mission takes every one of us to unite together. We have established team of leaders to help lead our mission here in Port Acres! Will you join us?
A Message from our Pastor:
    Thank you for finding our website and looking for information about us. Calvary is a small church in the heart of Port Acres, a subdivision of Port Arthur, Texas. We desire that all those who come and worship with us will see a portrait of Christ in all we do. “Grace Abounding – Love Overflowing” is our motto, but also our goal. With over 20 years of being a lead pastor, I feel confident in saying that Calvary strives to make this a reality in our service and worship. One of the things that is important to me is that everyone who worships with us, will feel Christ’s love and grace and they learn something knew about Christ or their relationship with Him.
    My wife, Cyndi, and I have been married for over 35 years have two daughters, one son-in-love, and two grandsons. Calvary is our 5th church to minister with, in three different states.
    I love to teach about the Christ Life and our true identity in Christ. I am always available for questions and would enjoy hanging out with you!
Pastor Blake has been our Lead Pastor since December 2018. He has been a pastor for over 24 years, serving in Utah, Kansas and Texas.
Kayla is our F.U.E.L. Youth Activity Coordinator and Assistant 
Cindy is our Treasurer.
Donna is our Soundboard Technician.
Cyndi is our Children’s Ministry Coordinator and Women’s Ministry Coordinator. 
Tim is our Servant Ministry Chair as well as our Visual Technician.
Our Servant Minister Team
Tim Norman
Kim Breaux
Kayla Norman
Josh Norman
John Sangwin
Brenda Philyaw
Bible Fellowship Coordinator
John Sangwin
Assistant to the Pastor
Youth Pastor/Director
Worship Leader